Welcome to our blog!

I guess it's time for an update since I had about 300 pictures in my camera. Don't worry, I didn't post all of them.

Heres the highlights!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Our Buddy Rusty

Here's our little friend Rusty. Rusty is Aunt Diane and
Uncle Dave's dog. We got to dogsit Rusty when they
were on vacation in March. Rusty is 9 months old so we figured
that makes him about 5 in people years - just like
Colin. It's like having two kids in the house! They
play and run around together all day long!

They liked playing in the snow together. And Rusty loved watching Colin and Dad play Ants in the Pants!

Rusty loves kissing and tickling.

And much to my relief -there were also some rare moments of calm.

At least one of them is sleeping!
Come back soon Rusty -temporarily.

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Colin"s Christmas progam

Colin"s Christmas progam

Colin with his best friend Abbie

Colin with his best friend Abbie
Such a cute couple!

Colin and Abbie

Colin and Abbie
Making ornaments

Little Shepherd

Little Shepherd

Colin and Grandma

Colin and Grandma

Just goofin around

Just goofin around
waiting for Christmas